Live Video Chat Hours by Gender and Age from 2015 to August 2023

Who's Chatting and How Much Time Do The Spend?

camCensus's in depth report explores the world of live video chatting from January 2015 to August 2023, focusing on the 13,920 chat hosts who were active worldwide during August 2023.

in the report chat hosts are categorized into three main gender groups: women, men, and LGBTQI+ hosts. This not only reflects the diversity we see in the real world but also highlights the important role the LGBTQI+ community plays in the live video chat industry. When it comes to age, data is broken down into seven distinct age groups, ranging from young hosts between 18 and 25 all the way to people who are 50 and above.

With the easy to read bar and line charts, you'll be able to quickly understand both historical and current trends in age and gender distribution. Whether you're new to the world of live video chats or a veteran, this report offers valuable insights into how the industry has evolved and where it's headed.

Distribution by gender of time spend in webcam chatting during August 2023.

Women hold over three quarters of the total time.

The bar graph gives us a quick look of how much time men, women, and LGBTQI+ people have spent on live video chats during August 2023.

Out of an overall population of 13,920 chat hosts, women stand out in two ways. First, they hold up the majority of the chat hours, women have slice of 88.60% out of a total of 760,244 chat hours. This shows that live video chatting is an activity especially popular among women.

Second, women aren't just more in number, they also spend more time hosting live webcam chats compared to men and other genders. This also means that they are more active, contributing the most to the total hours spent on live video chats for that month.

Gender Online time Share
Women 673,595 88.60%
Men 11,172 1.47%
LGBTQI+ 75,477 9.93%
The time that was committed in online webcam chatting is 760,244 hours, and the amount of involvement by gender is shown in the table on the left.

Women once again are the leading gender, LGBTQI+ following, and men left well behind!

According to the data from August 2023, women are not just the majority of chat hosts, but they also spend the most time doing live video chat. They make up a great 88.60% of the total 760,244 chat hours. This suggests that live video chatting is especially popular among women.

There could be several reasons for this. Maybe women find live video chatting to be a good way to connect with people, or perhaps they see it as a viable way to make money. It could also be that the platforms are more welcoming or better suited for women, encouraging them to spend more time hosting.

LGBTQI+ hosts come in second, making up 9.93% of the total chat hours. This is also noteworthy because it shows that the live video chat platform is inclusive and appeals to a diverse range of people. The LGBTQI+ community might find this space to be a welcoming environment where they can express themselves freely, which could explain their significant contribution to the total chat hours.

Men, on the other hand, are significantly behind, accounting for just 1.47% of the total time spent. This could be due to a variety of factors. Maybe men prefer other forms of online interaction, or perhaps the live video chat environment is less appealing to them for some reason. It could also be that men are participating but not as hosts, they might be more likely to be on the viewer side of the equation.

Women are leading because live video chatting seems to be especially popular with them for various possible reasons. LGBTQI+ hosts are in second place, likely because they find the platform to be a welcoming space. Men are trailing behind, possibly because this form of online interaction is less appealing to them.

Trends in Time Spent on Live Video Chats by Gender Group. A Comparative Analysis from 2015 to 2023 with a Focus on COVID-19 Impact

The following line chart shows how much time chat hosts have spent on live video chats every month from January 2015 to August 2023. The chart has three lines, one for each gender group, Women, Men, and LGBTQI+. What's interesting is how each group's time s pent chatting has changed over the years, especially during and after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Women have the highest average time spent, with 828,035 hours. Even though there was a drop in their numbers during the COVID-19 lockdown starting in January 2020, they started to recover by March 2021. Now, they're not just back to where they were; they're actually spending more time than before.

Monthly average chat time by gender from 2015 until today

LGBTQI+ hosts also saw a drop during the lockdown, but their recovery started later in 2021. They've bounced back, but they're still spending almost half the time they used to before the pandemic. Their average time is 178,253 hours.

Men are the group that's really different here. Even before the lockdown, their average time was much lower than the other groups, at just 45,346 hours. After the lockdown, they've dropped to spending only 25% of the time they used to. There could be a few reasons why are men's numbers going down. Maybe live video chatting isn't as appealing to men as it is to women and LGBTQI+ individuals. It's also possible that men are participating in live chats, but more as viewers rather than hosts. Another reason could be that the environment or the way chats are set up is less inviting for men, making them less likely to spend time hosting.

The line chart shows that women have bounced back strongly after the COVID-19 lockdown, and they're leading the way in time spent on live video chats. LGBTQI+ hosts are also recovering, but more slowly. Men, however, are lagging behind, and their time spent on live video chats has significantly dropped.

Dominance of 18 to 25 Year Olds in Live Video Chatting. An In-Depth Analysis of User Engagement by Age Group for August 2023

The bar chart below gives a clear picture of who is spending the most time on live video chats in August 2023.

The group that stands out is definitely the 18 to 25-year-olds. They're not just leading, they are way ahead of the other age groups. They make up 60.16% of the total time spent, which is more than half. That's 457,334 hours spent in just one month!

Looking at older age groups, the time spent on live video chats starts to drop. For example, the 26 to 30 year olds are next in line, but they only make up 17.76% of the total time. And it keeps going down from there. By the time we get to the 50+ age group, they're only contributing 1.06% to the total time. This shows that live video chatting is most popular among younger people and becomes less common as people get older.

Classification of chat times by Age for August 2023

The group of ages 18 to 25 years spend the most time online.

The graph shows the how much time each of the age groups has spend in live video chat in August 2023.

The 18 to 25 year age group is the leading group. For the rest of the age groups, the time becomes less as the age moves up from 25 years to 50 years.

Age group Online time Share
18 to 25 457,334 60.16%
26 to 30 134,988 17.76%
31 to 35 79,513 10.46%
36 to 40 41,441 5.45%
41 to 45 23,520 3.09%
46 to 50 15,422 2.03%
50+ 8,026 1.06%
The 18 to 25 year age group collects up to two thirds of the total chat time. Making chat hosting a trend among young people, and its popularity drops as the ages rise. It's possible that the appeal for younger individuals lies in the interactive nature of live video chats, and younger people are already accustomed to a digital, connected world.

The bar chart for August 2023 makes it clear that live video chatting is a young person's game, at least when it comes to hosting. The 18 to 25 year olds are not just participating, they're dominating, taking up over 60% of the total chat time. That's a significant chunk of hours, especially when compared to older age groups, who see a steady decline in participation as age increases.

The data suggests that the younger generation finds something particularly appealing about live video chats. Whether it's the interactive nature, the digital familiarity, or perhaps even the potential for income, they are embracing this form of communication in a big way.

On the flip side, older age groups are far less active, with their participation dwindling significantly as age goes up. This could be due to a variety of factors, from lifestyle changes to simply different preferences in social interaction. Whatever the reason, it's clear that live video chat hosting is a trend that resonates most strongly with younger people.

Time Spent on Live Video Chats in August 2023. A Breakdown by Gender and Age

The graph below offers insights into how time spent on live video chats in August 2023 varies by both gender and age. The data is segmented into age groups and includes three gender categories: women, men, and LGBTQI+. These age groups are broken down into five year intervals, starting from 18-25 and going up to 50 and above. The line chart visually shows the total time spent by active hosts in each category, while a special pie chart reveals the percentage of each age group's contribution as you hover your mouse ove the x-axis.

Live Video Chat Hours by Gender and Age groups in August 2023

A quick look on the line chart shows that young women, especially those in the 18-25 age bracket, are the most active, logging 403,263 hours. This activity decreases as the age group rises, suggesting that younger women are more drawn to live video chats. Men are far less active across all age groups, with their highest participation having 6,777 hours in the 18-25 age group. The LGBTQI+ community also has a notable presence, particularly among the 18-25 age group, with 47,294 hours, although this number drops with increasing age.

Hovering over the x-axis the pie chart reveals more details about the time distribution among men and women in each age group. The chart confirms that women are the dominant force in this space across all age groups. Two key trends emerge from the data.

First, the proportion of chat hours by female hosts increases with age, suggesting that women remain engaged or even become more active as they get older.

Second, the number of LGBTQI+ hosts decreases significantly as age increases, which could be influenced by various factors such as social acceptance or personal choices. This multi-faceted view helps us understand how people of different ages and genders are contributing to the live video chat domain as of August 2023.

Trends in Live Video Chat Activity Across Ages from 2015 to 2023, The Impact of COVID-19 and Unexplained Dips

The following line chart gives us an overview of how much time people from different age groups have spent hosting live video chats. Starting from January 2015 and going up to August 2023, the chart tracks this activity for seven age groups: 18-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, 46-50, and 50+.

The age group that spends the most time on live video chats is the 18-25 range, having an average of 627,338 hours. The 26-30 age group also shows strong activity, with an average of 206,284 hours. This suggests that younger people are more involved in hosting live video chats, maybe because they are more tech-savvy or perhaps more interested in media platforms where these chats usually happen.

The chart shows a noticeable dip in video chat hours for all age groups between January 2020 and November 2021. This was during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Most age groups have recovered their activity levels, but there's one exception. The 50+ age group hasn't bounced back fully, they are now at just one-third of their past numbers and half of their average. This could be due to various reasons—maybe older individuals are more cautious about spending time online due to the pandemic, or perhaps they've shifted to other forms of communication.

Another point that grabs attention is the significant drop in live video chat hours across all age groups in August 2023. It's not clear why this happened, but it's something that impacts everyone, not just one or two age groups. Maybe it was the summer vacations that pulled people away from their screens, or perhaps there were technical issues affecting many platforms. Whatever the reason, it's a point that definitely needs some investigation.

Live Video Chat Hours by Gender and Age groups from 2015 until August 2023

The line chart provides a valuable look at how live video chat activity varies by age group over the years. Younger people are the most active, but the chart also tells stories of how external factors like COVID-19 or unknown events can have a widespread effect on this form of social interaction. It's especially concerning to see the older generation not picking up where they left off after the COVID-19 dip. Understanding why these trends happen can give us insights into how people of different ages use technology to connect with others.

The study from January 2015 to August 2023 shows that live video chatting is incredibly popular, especially among certain groups. Women are the stars of this online world, they not only make up the majority of chat hosts but also spend the most time chatting. The LGBTQI+ community also has a strong presence, while men are not as active in hosting these live chats.

Age is another big factor. Younger people, particularly those between 18 and 25, are the most active in live video chatting. As people get older, they seem to spend less time in this online space. This could be because younger folks are more comfortable with technology or because they find these platforms more engaging.

The COVID-19 pandemic did affect how much time people spent chatting online, but most groups have bounced back except for those who are 50 and above. There is also a strange drop in activity for everyone in August 2023, there aren't any certain reasons for why that happened. It's something that needs more looking into.